Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Long & Winding Road

We are now in Cuzco, Peru.  We found the hard way to get here. Our flight was delayed an hour and 1/2 from Atlanta and that meant that we missed our flight from Miami to Lima. Lucky enough there was another one two hours later, but that put us in Lima at 12:30am.   Our transport to our Hotel was rearranged as we scrambled to find WiFi at Miami International. American Airlines had an old plane to Lima with no usable water and little food.  Great!  Two broken planes from American and no money to fix them.  We arrived at our Hotel to finally get to sleep around 2AM, but we needed to be back at the airport at our 10am flight to Cusco.  Overnight in Lima and when we return Christmas Eve, we are staying in a sweet little hotel called the Basadre Suites.  Their link is  Basadre Suites Hotel in Lima   We'll write more about that later when we're back in Lima.
We are now in the Andes Mountains (Cusco) at 9000 foot elevation  ( 3326 meters ) feeling winded and tired. A litttle coca tea and off for a nap to acclimate. It is 3pm, but feels like 3am.  Our heads hurt and the walk from the taxi up to the hotel felt like climbing Everest!  We are not that's the air, it's the air.....
The view from the window as we begin our descent into Cusco

Cusco view from the plane

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