Sunday, December 25, 2011

Travelling from Cusco to Arequipa

We've had a busy couple of days, so we didn't get time to post.  so, now to catch up!  We spent the last day in Cusco going to the Mercado de Artesanias to get some of you Christmas presents!  We really liked Cusco a lot and it reminded us of Oaxaca, Mexico, which is one of our favorite cities in the world.  From Cusco to Arequipa we took the Bus Cama or in English the overnight sleeping bus which you can see in the picture on the left here.  It was a great double decker bus with the seats/bed section on the bottom.  The only problem is that it wasn't made for folks as tall as Chris, so he had to do some body contortion to fit into his space and sleep.  The company was called Cruz del Sur:  Cruz del Sur   Other than that, when we woke up in the morning we were in Arequipa.

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